Snake Boots

Here's the deal. I live in a neighborhood that apparently attracts copperheads. FIVE neighbors have been bitten in the last 15 years. One of them was in his late 50's when he got bit and was in good physical condition. The rest of the neighbors were all older but the first guy has STILL got issues from that bite. Mostly respiratory.
All 5 say it was one of the most painful experiences ever.
But the pain and affects of the bite PALE in comparison to the expense!

ANTIVENOM averaged about 18.000...that's 18 THOUSAND ...per vial and it took an average of SIX vials for treatment. All of which was VERY difficult to get insurance to cover. Most had to pay WAY too much money for their part. We are talking THOUSANDS!!!

Snake chaps are cheap. I'll wear them.
I'm also more scared of ticks than snakes. Honest truth. I use permethrin and "might" find one tick per season on me that somehow the permethrin didn't get.

Snakeboots….. I've used Danners, Irish Setters, Rocky, Cabelas brand. All very comfortable, cool, and light weight. And easy to get on and off to me. I would highly recommend them to anyone unless you need to cross creeks frequently or walk in cow pastures. It didn't take long for any of them to begin to leak even with pre treating them. I still use them on afternoon hunts, or when I hunt an area that doesn't have a lot of creek issues. I usually keep them in my truck and switch out at break time mid day.
I have been using the lacrosse grange for several years now, because wet damp feet is like my ultimate discomfort that I cannot deal with.

This season I'm going to give the Lacrosse Alpha Agility Snake boots a try. Got some a few days ago.

And yes, the YouTube Facebook hunters have come close to ruining the sport. Their idea was neat at first until they attracted the wrong crowd into the woods and have had major season structure changes because of what they have done.
I worry more about ticks too. I was diagnosed with Alphagal (red meat allergy) back in 2016 from a tick bite. Yes Permethrin all over your hunting clothes.
I got alpha gal somewhere around 2005. Unfortunately I won't be recovering from it like some and won't ever get to eat mammals again. Snakes are a joke compared to ticks