Weird neighbors: would you do anything?

Can't imagine he would sell. He honestly thinks he's living in Heaven. He lives in a filthy junkyard and thinks it's Heaven.

Although this was not intentional, we clear-cut all of the woods surrounding their one acre and that didn't chase them away.

Perhaps plant thick staggered rows of pines around the line. If you can't get rid of the, it'll at least partially block them.
Call the tdec field office as mentioned and call the county health department. There's a small chance the county code inspector might be able to help you out too. As far as the sheriff, he might do a well-fair check but I doubt he will do much. Getting much help in a rural county may be tough.
I'd leave them alone and hope and pray they self implode. I'm afraid any action on your part might get back to them and you'd have to kill them or worse.

sorry for your lot but it too shall pass….
THAT still happens about once a year!
But nothing like it once was.
It must be some kind of grievance ritual, such as the loss of a family member.
Funny part of that first exposure. It was the Monday after the time changed. I had driven over from East Tennessee to Dover. So not only had I changed time zones I had a time change to mentally deal with. I think I messed up my alarm that morning and got to the lease at least an hour earlier than I thought I did (maybe more). I was waiting on the sun to come up and waited, and waited, and waited and waited. I thought the sun wasn't going to come up that day. Then the the faint glimmer of daylight started to show through the darkness. Then I heard all of the wailing. I don't mind admitting it was like the world was ending.
Is this daily, certain days, or random? If she is showing up on a schedule, I would suggest visiting face to face with the sherif and giving him frank run down and asking him to observe discreetly. Might as well mention the deputy right up front. Sherrif needs to know his people and will tell you nothing about the deputy but you should make it clear you want no blowback from this.

You are only concerned with someone's well-being and any potential hazardous material biological or chemical in the area.

Prayers for yours and them...
I've mentioned my weird "off-grid" neighbors before, but never explained just how weird they are. In fact, they are worrisomely spooky weird. They are a couple - I think in their late 30s to early 40s - that own one acre adjoining my property. At first, they lived in a big tent. Then they started accumulating junk vehicles (at least they never move) and I suspect they live in one of the vehicles (one is a van, another a tiny travel-trailer [and I mean tiny - no more than 6' long]). I have no idea what they do about water or sanitation. I see no outhouse or pit toilet. They have no electricity. After just a couple years, their one acre now looks like a junkyard. They live in squaller. It appears the woman no longer lives on the property full time but comes out most days around 8:00 AM. She's driving an Amazon delivery van and it's full of 7 dogs, which she releases onto their fenced property every morning when she arrives. The dogs then go ballistic, barking, yipping and fighting with each other. She then usually leaves mid-day but often comes back (bringing her dogs with her) most evenings, only to again leave just before dark.

It isn't their odd, dirty lifestyle that bothers me (to each their own). It is the behavior of the guy. I don't know if he has a drug problem or mental issues, or both, but on many days when his girlfriend arrives, he goes into a screaming rage. This isn't an "I'm pissed" screaming fit, it's pure insanity of rage. I can literally be a half-mile as the crow flies away from their property and still hear every word he's screaming. And most of that screaming is directed at his girlfriend. To say his behavior is verbally abusive would be an understatement. Much of it - and it goes on for an hour or more every day - is in the vein of: "I HATE YOU!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!! LEAVE ME ALONE AND NEVER COME BACK!!! I BROUGHT YOU OUT HERE TO HEAVEN AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!!! YOU FAT F**KING B*TCH!!! Then things will go quiet for a few minutes, followed by, out of nowhere, "WHY ARE YOU SO FAT?!!!" (she is a big girl)

Screaming obscenities at his girlfriend is bad, but what really creeps me out is when he starts wailing like a child. And I'm mean full-on crying fits at the top of his lungs, "I JUST WANT TO GO HOME! PLEASE TAKE ME HOME! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE..." and this even tails off into "MOMMY... MOMMY... MOMMY..." It's freaking unnerving. I've gotten to the point I don't drive by their place without being armed. I have no idea what to do about this situation. My wife says the guy sounds insane and possibly dangerous. She wants me to leave the whole situation alone.

What are your thoughts?
Leave it alone. It'll take care of itself.
If I hear someone having a full-on crying fit and screaming at the top of their lings , "I JUST WANT TO GO HOME! PLEASE TAKE ME HOME! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE..." and then screams "MOMMY... MOMMY... MOMMY"....I'm contacting the Sheriff Dept and I would imagine if there is mental illness involved and the living conditions are horrible then a social worker will be if it was just a couple arguing I'd mind my own business...but what what your describing is different and at minimum requires a wellness check....and maybe if the Sheriff gets involved the issue will be resolved quicker....hope it works out.
You have a legal right to quiet enjoyment of your property. You can actually sue them for this. BUT.......
Step 1. call the Sheriff to document the issue and mention the Deputy's conversation. Ask for a welfare check AND a report on what they find out. Dude might be crazy, a tweaker, manufacturing meth, have warrants......???
Step 2. Call the county health department about the no septic system issue. Ask if there is a permit for a septic system on property. I believe that there are some limits on how long you can "camp" on your property without septic system or other approved waste control. (this is eventually what got the "off gridder tweaker camp" shut down near us.
Step 3. Document and record each incident. Send a copy to the Sherriff each time it goes on. This will provide a paper trail and some incentive to take corrective action. IF something went sideways later, you have a record of all the times this dude went ballistic, how often it was reported to the police, and how often you asked for help. ALWAYS express your concerns for everyones safety and that you are in fear of this unstable person, will they please check up on him. NEVER threaten, or imply taking anything into your own hands.

We had a similar situation about a mile from our home. Dude with drug and mental problems moved onto undeveloped land he inherited. First living in a tent, then built a pallet house. (shack). Then another tent showed up, then a non working van. Thefts, drug parties, aggressive behavior towards neighbors, random gunfire, dogs being shot.... Sherriff got tired of going out as the camp people didn't care about being arrested, hid the perps, and were out the next day if they did get arrested. Locals got pissed, talked to the states atty, got the health department and that is what really got the ball rolling. Sherriff still didn't do much, but the environmental department hammered them with fines for no septic. That eventually got most of the tents cleared away. County passed some sort of resolution that that guy couldn't have more than 1 tent/shack on the property and no more than 2 people living there. Eventually the state forced the sale of the property. Took about 3 years to get it all resolved so don't think there is a quick fix to your issue. Be patient, DOCUMENT everything. Best of luck. Crazy neighbors suck.
You have a legal right to quiet enjoyment of your property. You can actually sue them for this. BUT.......
Step 1. call the Sheriff to document the issue and mention the Deputy's conversation. Ask for a welfare check AND a report on what they find out. Dude might be crazy, a tweaker, manufacturing meth, have warrants......???
Step 2. Call the county health department about the no septic system issue. Ask if there is a permit for a septic system on property. I believe that there are some limits on how long you can "camp" on your property without septic system or other approved waste control. (this is eventually what got the "off gridder tweaker camp" shut down near us.
Step 3. Document and record each incident. Send a copy to the Sherriff each time it goes on. This will provide a paper trail and some incentive to take corrective action. IF something went sideways later, you have a record of all the times this dude went ballistic, how often it was reported to the police, and how often you asked for help. ALWAYS express your concerns for everyones safety and that you are in fear of this unstable person, will they please check up on him. NEVER threaten, or imply taking anything into your own hands.

We had a similar situation about a mile from our home. Dude with drug and mental problems moved onto undeveloped land he inherited. First living in a tent, then built a pallet house. (shack). Then another tent showed up, then a non working van. Thefts, drug parties, aggressive behavior towards neighbors, random gunfire, dogs being shot.... Sherriff got tired of going out as the camp people didn't care about being arrested, hid the perps, and were out the next day if they did get arrested. Locals got pissed, talked to the states atty, got the health department and that is what really got the ball rolling. Sherriff still didn't do much, but the environmental department hammered them with fines for no septic. That eventually got most of the tents cleared away. County passed some sort of resolution that that guy couldn't have more than 1 tent/shack on the property and no more than 2 people living there. Eventually the state forced the sale of the property. Took about 3 years to get it all resolved so don't think there is a quick fix to your issue. Be patient, DOCUMENT everything. Best of luck. Crazy neighbors suck.
That is some GREAT information.

Honestly, I have no ill will towards these people. They live a very odd lifestyle, but to each their own. It wasn't until the guy started to howl like a crazy person that I started to get worried, and truly concerned about everyone's safety; theirs and ours.
. . . . . . Then the the faint glimmer of daylight started to show through the darkness. Then I heard all of the wailing. I don't mind admitting it was like the world was ending.
Imagine, if you'd been closer to it! 😄
I know someone who was hunting on his own property,
when this screaming woman, screaming at the top of her lungs,
just suddenly appeared doing so right under his deer stand at daybreak.
I've mentioned my weird "off-grid" neighbors before, but never explained just how weird they are. In fact, they are worrisomely spooky weird. They are a couple - I think in their late 30s to early 40s - that own one acre adjoining my property. At first, they lived in a big tent. Then they started accumulating junk vehicles (at least they never move) and I suspect they live in one of the vehicles (one is a van, another a tiny travel-trailer [and I mean tiny - no more than 6' long]). I have no idea what they do about water or sanitation. I see no outhouse or pit toilet. They have no electricity. After just a couple years, their one acre now looks like a junkyard. They live in squaller. It appears the woman no longer lives on the property full time but comes out most days around 8:00 AM. She's driving an Amazon delivery van and it's full of 7 dogs, which she releases onto their fenced property every morning when she arrives. The dogs then go ballistic, barking, yipping and fighting with each other. She then usually leaves mid-day but often comes back (bringing her dogs with her) most evenings, only to again leave just before dark.

It isn't their odd, dirty lifestyle that bothers me (to each their own). It is the behavior of the guy. I don't know if he has a drug problem or mental issues, or both, but on many days when his girlfriend arrives, he goes into a screaming rage. This isn't an "I'm pissed" screaming fit, it's pure insanity of rage. I can literally be a half-mile as the crow flies away from their property and still hear every word he's screaming. And most of that screaming is directed at his girlfriend. To say his behavior is verbally abusive would be an understatement. Much of it - and it goes on for an hour or more every day - is in the vein of: "I HATE YOU!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!! LEAVE ME ALONE AND NEVER COME BACK!!! I BROUGHT YOU OUT HERE TO HEAVEN AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!!! YOU FAT F**KING B*TCH!!! Then things will go quiet for a few minutes, followed by, out of nowhere, "WHY ARE YOU SO FAT?!!!" (she is a big girl)

Screaming obscenities at his girlfriend is bad, but what really creeps me out is when he starts wailing like a child. And I'm mean full-on crying fits at the top of his lungs, "I JUST WANT TO GO HOME! PLEASE TAKE ME HOME! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE..." and this even tails off into "MOMMY... MOMMY... MOMMY..." It's freaking unnerving. I've gotten to the point I don't drive by their place without being armed. I have no idea what to do about this situation. My wife says the guy sounds insane and possibly dangerous. She wants me to leave the whole situation alone.

What are your thoughts?
Sounds like a discussion with the Sherrifs Dept and potentially a welfare check are in order. Could be an adult abuse situation.

Might even try to get a video to show them.
I got you. What's his user name on TN Deer? I'll shoot him a DM and let him know to chill out a little.

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