Weird neighbors: would you do anything?

I've mentioned my weird "off-grid" neighbors before, but never explained just how weird they are. In fact, they are worrisomely spooky weird. They are a couple - I think in their late 30s to early 40s - that own one acre adjoining my property. At first, they lived in a big tent. Then they started accumulating junk vehicles (at least they never move) and I suspect they live in one of the vehicles (one is a van, another a tiny travel-trailer [and I mean tiny - no more than 6' long]). I have no idea what they do about water or sanitation. I see no outhouse or pit toilet. They have no electricity. After just a couple years, their one acre now looks like a junkyard. They live in squaller. It appears the woman no longer lives on the property full time but comes out most days around 8:00 AM. She's driving an Amazon delivery van and it's full of 7 dogs, which she releases onto their fenced property every morning when she arrives. The dogs then go ballistic, barking, yipping and fighting with each other. She then usually leaves mid-day but often comes back (bringing her dogs with her) most evenings, only to again leave just before dark.

It isn't their odd, dirty lifestyle that bothers me (to each their own). It is the behavior of the guy. I don't know if he has a drug problem or mental issues, or both, but on many days when his girlfriend arrives, he goes into a screaming rage. This isn't an "I'm pissed" screaming fit, it's pure insanity of rage. I can literally be a half-mile as the crow flies away from their property and still hear every word he's screaming. And most of that screaming is directed at his girlfriend. To say his behavior is verbally abusive would be an understatement. Much of it - and it goes on for an hour or more every day - is in the vein of: "I HATE YOU!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!! LEAVE ME ALONE AND NEVER COME BACK!!! I BROUGHT YOU OUT HERE TO HEAVEN AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!!! YOU FAT F**KING B*TCH!!! Then things will go quiet for a few minutes, followed by, out of nowhere, "WHY ARE YOU SO FAT?!!!" (she is a big girl)

Screaming obscenities at his girlfriend is bad, but what really creeps me out is when he starts wailing like a child. And I'm mean full-on crying fits at the top of his lungs, "I JUST WANT TO GO HOME! PLEASE TAKE ME HOME! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE..." and this even tails off into "MOMMY... MOMMY... MOMMY..." It's freaking unnerving. I've gotten to the point I don't drive by their place without being armed. I have no idea what to do about this situation. My wife says the guy sounds insane and possibly dangerous. She wants me to leave the whole situation alone.

What are your thoughts?
Sounds like you're living in the San Francisco of the Smokies. Unfortunately there's no laws for crazies anymore. 40 yrs ago almost every county had an asylum but the Democrat populous felt the need to turn them into the streets. Always carry, get a documented discussion with your sheriff, don't provoke, and wait for for them to hopefully eradicate themselves. Blink camera are good to have around your castle too. Good luck.
The neighbor I talked about in the previous post is currently yelling outside of his house. I'm sitting in my blind and deer in my food plot and it was so loud they turned and looked that direction. Didn't yell for long but he was upset about something.
The neighbor I talked about in the previous post is currently yelling outside of his house. I'm sitting in my blind and deer in my food plot and it was so loud they turned and looked that direction. Didn't yell for long but he was upset about something.
I was working on my barn one day, and hit my hand with a three pound hammer. The cussing, jumping, and screaming fit that ensued was pretty loud, but it sure helped my hand to feel a little better.

My barn sits about 50 feet from a property line, and I looked over at the woods/fence line and there stood my neighbor, eyes bugged out and mouth wide open.

He's a Pastor.

I was pretty sheepish around him for the next year or so.
Why don't we take a different approach here. Obviously this guy is having trouble but maybe all he needs is a friend and some help. If you get the police involved it is definitely going south, but on the other hand offering a friendly, neighborly helping hand may turn the tide. from a psychological approach maybe if you run into him on the road or run into his girlfriend you can get a better idea of what is going on. Afterall everyone needs a helping hand from time to time and maybe this person doesn't have anyone. What would Jesus do?
Why don't we take a different approach here. Obviously this guy is having trouble but maybe all he needs is a friend and some help. If you get the police involved it is definitely going south, but on the other hand offering a friendly, neighborly helping hand may turn the tide. from a psychological approach maybe if you run into him on the road or run into his girlfriend you can get a better idea of what is going on. Afterall everyone needs a helping hand from time to time and maybe this person doesn't have anyone. What would Jesus do?
I have thought about doing just that. I'm afraid this guy is a bit dangerous, but if I run into his girlfriend driving in or out, I may ask her if everything is alright, and mention I've heard his tirades many times.
Why don't we take a different approach here. Obviously this guy is having trouble but maybe all he needs is a friend and some help. If you get the police involved it is definitely going south, but on the other hand offering a friendly, neighborly helping hand may turn the tide. from a psychological approach maybe if you run into him on the road or run into his girlfriend you can get a better idea of what is going on. Afterall everyone needs a helping hand from time to time and maybe this person doesn't have anyone. What would Jesus do?
Nope, not anymore. That could end up with you in jail or being accused of trying to help. Seriously, the world is a crazy place and even trying to help could land someone in a pile of trouble.
i just feel so bad for this guy. I get the fact that he may be dangerous considering what he has going on,( offgrid, yelling, crying ) but he needs help. Maybe ask the local preacher to go with you to see if he needs any help.
i just feel so bad for this guy. I get the fact that he may be dangerous considering what he has going on,( offgrid, yelling, crying ) but he needs help. Maybe ask the local preacher to go with you to see if he needs any help.
Have no idea what this guy's religious affiliation is. I strongly suspect none.
I wish I knew the proper way to handle it, but a talk with the Sheriff, (telling him exactly as you posted here), might be a good place to start. Maybe the Sheriff can background check them?

People have problems, some bigger and different than others, but I'd watch that guy like a hawk, and NEVER take your eyes off of him if by some slim chance he's in your presence.
Sound advice. The best thing is to have another set of eyes if you can talk one of your buddies into getting involved with this. I would tell my buddy I have an interesting neighbor with some classic cars.
A real neighbor wouldn't keep talking about us on that computer thing and invite us over to dinner!!
i just feel so bad for this guy. I get the fact that he may be dangerous considering what he has going on,( offgrid, yelling, crying ) but he needs help. Maybe ask the local preacher to go with you to see if he needs any help.

I'm sure BSK will give you the address if you want to see if he needs help.
Have no idea what this guy's religious affiliation is. I strongly suspect none.
i hear ya but I would think that there would be some respect for a member of the cloth of any religion. Plus pastors and priest are trained to council people. However, the more i think about this I would go with the burner phone from a different location on the welfare check.