Weird neighbors: would you do anything?

Just post cell cams on property lines and send video to police and local news maybe his mommy will recognize him and take him home problem solved. Are you from this area or is on a lease I can speak from experience small town ppl are not real welcome to outsiders trying to change things.
Just post cell cams on property lines and send video to police and local news maybe his mommy will recognize him and take him home problem solved. Are you from this area or is on a lease I can speak from experience small town ppl are not real welcome to outsiders trying to change things.
I'm somewhat of an outsider. Don't live there full-time. I've owned the place longer than most of my neighbors, but I'm only there probably every other weekend for most of the year, and almost the entire month of November. I feel like an outsider!
Why don't we take a different approach here. Obviously this guy is having trouble but maybe all he needs is a friend and some help. If you get the police involved it is definitely going south, but on the other hand offering a friendly, neighborly helping hand may turn the tide. from a psychological approach maybe if you run into him on the road or run into his girlfriend you can get a better idea of what is going on. Afterall everyone needs a helping hand from time to time and maybe this person doesn't have anyone. What would Jesus do?
Jesus would cast out the demons that are inhabiting him.
I wouldn't go over or get friendly. It's sad and I hate to say it but it's hard to help people these days. It could become dangerous or he could take it to mean you are his new best friend and he's welcome to help himself to your property.

As useless as I think the police are, you know if yugo goes south the first thing out of the side of their mouth is going to be "you should have called us first".
I'd get it on record that you at least tried to get them to handle it, if that fails and you ever have to defend yourself, there will be a record of you trying to do it the right way.
I'm somewhat of an outsider. Don't live there full-time. I've owned the place longer than most of my neighbors, but I'm only there probably every other weekend for most of the year, and almost the entire month of November. I feel like an outsider!
That is the same with me and my place. I live 20 min from it, but there's always a sort of dread wash over me when I head out there, always thinking "what will I come up on this time?". I've had several meth labs cleaned up out there, and had several encounters with trespassers and poachers over the years, not to mention "family" issues. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't go over or get friendly. It's sad and I hate to say it but it's hard to help people these days. It could become dangerous or he could take it to mean you are his new best friend and he's welcome to help himself to your property.

As useless as I think the police are, you know if **** goes south the first thing out of the side of their mouth is going to be "you should have called us first".
I'd get it on record that you at least tried to get them to handle it, if that fails and you ever have to defend yourself, there will be a record of you trying to do it the right way.
Not long after they "moved in" and I had talked to the Sherrif's Office to make sure they weren't squatters, I was driving past and noticed them walking around, so I stopped in. I wanted to introduce myself as their major neighbor and get a feel for them. They were very pleasant. Although I could tell the guy was one of those "dreamers" who has all of these plans that are way over his head. He was talking about setting up wind and solar power, and a water purifications system, etc. Outside I'm saying "Oh, cool!" and inside I'm thinking, "there's not a chance in Hades this guy knows how or has the ability to do those things." Those thoughts were correct. But that isn't what bothers me. If they want to live their life in a one-acre junkyard, more power to them. I'm just worried the guy is losing his mind (aided by addiction) and could be dangerous. As so many have suggested, I'm definitely going to speak to the Sherrif just so my concerns are on record.
Not long after they "moved in" and I had talked to the Sherrif's Office to make sure they weren't squatters, I was driving past and noticed them walking around, so I stopped in. I wanted to introduce myself as their major neighbor and get a feel for them. They were very pleasant. Although I could tell the guy was one of those "dreamers" who has all of these plans that are way over his head. He was talking about setting up wind and solar power, and a water purifications system, etc. Outside I'm saying "Oh, cool!" and inside I'm thinking, "there's not a chance in Hades this guy knows how or has the ability to do those things." Those thoughts were correct. But that isn't what bothers me. If they want to live their life in a one-acre junkyard, more power to them. I'm just worried the guy is losing his mind (aided by addiction) and could be dangerous. As so many have suggested, I'm definitely going to speak to the Sherrif just so my concerns are on record.
I know the type. I have nuts living nextdoor but they keep to themselves. Their yard is always overgrown. I thought maybe their lawnmower was broken so threw out an olive branch and bush hogged it for them. Not even a thank you. I'm done.

Pretty silly not get to know your neighbors. Just for emergency sake alone. I'm willing to help anyone and I have a lot of skills and tools and equipment but I ain't begging no one to be my friend. I got plenty of those.
I think I would have to at least report them to the authorities about their lack of a septic system. Or let the sheriff department know about what is going on. Sounds like it could turn into a really bad situation. I don't think you should ignore it with them being so close to where you live

I think I would have to at least report them to the authorities about their lack of a septic system. Or let the sheriff department know about what is going on. Sounds like it could turn into a really bad situation. I don't think you should ignore it with them being so close to where you live.
this x10000000
I've seen it happen in cars as well as boats. Some people are just stupid and there's nothing you can do to stop them.
You arent wrong but there is an inordinate amount of morons attracted to the allure of a fast bike. Additionally the idiotic decisions of others on the road have a greater effect on those on motorcycles.
You arent wrong but there is an inordinate amount of morons attracted to the allure of a fast bike. Additionally the idiotic decisions of others on the road have a greater effect on those on motorcycles.
They're attracted to a lot of things. Very true, that's why I tried to ride away from crowds. Especially places like the Dragon.
You arent wrong but there is an inordinate amount of morons attracted to the allure of a fast bike. Additionally the idiotic decisions of others on the road have a greater effect on those on motorcycles.
My father, being a doctor in surgery and having seen the results of motorcycles crashes too often, hated bikes. He forbid his kids from riding motorcycles. Hence, my brother really had to work hard to hide the fact he owned one! I borrowed it for a summer. Loved riding it. But in three months, the three times I had to lay the bike down because a car pulled out in front of me, convinced me they just weren't safe - primarily because motorists just don't see them.
My father, being a doctor in surgery and having seen the results of motorcycles crashes too often, hated bikes. He forbid his kids from riding motorcycles. Hence, my brother really had to work hard to hide the fact he owned one! I borrowed it for a summer. Loved riding it. But in three months, the three times I had to lay the bike down because a car pulled out in front of me, convinced me they just weren't safe - primarily because motorists just don't see them.
My friend was stopped and a vehicle backed up. If it'd been a car it would've just been a trip to the body shop.

Used to have to work motorcycle accidents back in the day. Never fun
I understand people's dislike of them. I just got rid of my Harley. Worst bike I ever owned. Prefer crotch rockets but I'm done with them for now. Can't say I'll never have another but since moving to this new place, I don't have time to ride.
The neighbor I talked about in the previous post is currently yelling outside of his house. I'm sitting in my blind and deer in my food plot and it was so loud they turned and looked that direction. Didn't yell for long but he was upset about something.
Just make sure you are screaming and yelling the next time you are stalking deer; they're used to it.