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Seek One’s dilemma

I have no idea what videos are being talked about but I do know there are way too many deer in Davidson county. They are constantly showing up on the side of the road dead. Small trees that are planted are being destroyed by bucks rubbing the bark off and all my wife's and neighbor's plants are chewed to the ground. Someone needs to hunt or kill them.
I heard some people were given permission to kill 200 at the Hermitage last year. That's where a huge one was killed last year. Good. They have no predators and love everyone's salad. Then have twins because of it.
Killing them should be done discreetly and not advertised they were killed in someone's subdivision. Archery is best and not in plane sight. I agree it's not much of a hunt and that's ok by me.
I honestly think they look as one as an accident and one as someone murdered my pet deer.
I don't pretend to know. Lol.

I think it's funny. I spend zero time thinking about them. What they do doesn't bother me a bit. I think a lot of you make more of this then it needs to be in your own minds. I think there's a variety of reasons it happens.

That's my opinion. No one will change that.

In my mind, they provide a service. If they keep one city boy in the city, and outta the public land I hunt, that's a huge win in my book. I say rock on seek one.
I don't think man buns, vegans and housewives like seeing a bloody deer die in their yard, on there block or on YouTube
They don't like it in the country either. My neighbor gave a guy permission to night hunt and he shot a bunch of deer and stacked them up in a pile so he could shoot coyotes over them at night. The owner ran him off immediately. He did not like that at all and i don't blame him. You have to walk a certain line around non hunters properties and their homes. That is where THEY live.
I don't pretend to know. Lol.

I think it's funny. I spend zero time thinking about them. What they do doesn't bother me a bit. I think a lot of you make more of this then it needs to be in your own minds. I think there's a variety of reasons it happens.
Have you ever been involved in lobbying city councils to allow the management (through archery hunting) of suburban deer populations? I have. I've given educational talks to city councils and neighborhood associations. I've given testimonials about how ethically this can be done, and without interfering in the every day activities and safety of residents. It is a very hard sell to make. And then people like Seekone come along and ruin the whole situation. THAT is why I am so passionate about this topic. Getting those managed suburban archery hunts is incredibly hard. The last thing we need is glory hounds ruining it for everybody else that wants to ethically participate.
Have you ever been involved in lobbying city councils to allow the management (through archery hunting) of suburban deer populations? I have. I've given educational talks to city councils and neighborhood associations. I've given testimonials about how ethically this can be done, and without interfering in the every day activities and safety of residents. It is a very hard sell to make. And then people like Seekone come along and ruin the whole situation. THAT is why I am so passionate about this topic. Getting those managed suburban archery hunts is incredibly hard. The last thing we need is glory hounds ruining it for everybody else that wants to ethically participate.

They're not ruining it. Some of you man-karens are creating an issue where one absolutely doesn't exist.
What have they done to ruin your efforts??
Why do y'all consider them pet deer? Because they see/smell humans constantly? One place I hunt, with the right wind, deer smell humans daily. I can walk around the field and backyard and see that my presence doesn't bother them. Different story once I cross that imaginary line when I'm headed in to kill one. They know something isn't right and they run away. I'd imagine it's the exact same thing on most of his hunts. Deer aren't completely stupid. They know when something isn't right.
Or, it can work in the opposite way. When nonhunters see such foolishness, they can be so turned off that not only don't they join the ranks of hunters, they become an anti-hunter.

IMO, folks like the seekone goobers cause much more damage than anything good.
While true I feel the more popular hunting gets on the tubes the more new hunters and supporters we can capture. Point in case Demolition ranch and Garand thumb. Their channels reach millions of views every month which brings new shooters into the sport. If we stop making stuff taboo the more people will accept it. Heck now would be the perfect storm as more and more people are seeing that not relaying on supermarket is a good thing.

The more main stream we can make it, the better for our passion. We can't sit back and in hopes of not up settings the soccer moms, that never works. Now with that said there is a right way and a wrong way to approach suburban hunting. I do think there tactics have been good and usually paint hunting in a rather positive light. For the naysayers, note those anti suburban hunting moms you're worried about still hate us for hunting.
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While true I feel the more popular hunting gets on the tubes the more new hunters and supporters we can capture. Point in case Demolition ranch and Garand thumb. Their channels reach millions of views every month which brings new shooters into the sport. If we stop making stuff taboo the more people will accept it. Heck now would be the perfect storm as more and more people are seeing that not relaying on supermarket is a good thing.

The more main stream we can make it, the better for our passion. We can't sit back and in hopes of not up settings the soccer moms, that never works. Now with that said there is a right way and a wrong way to approach suburban hunting. I do think there tactics have been good and usually paint hunting in a rather positive light. For the naysayers, note those anti suburban hunting moms you're worried about still hate us for hunting.
Sorry, I think their tactics suck.

Weasling their way in to get permission for a one acre tract with no regard on how they are LEGALLY going to retrieve their buck when it runs off of that tract paints hunters in a bad light.
Sorry, I think their tactics suck.

Weasling their way in to get permission for a one acre tract with no regard on how they are LEGALLY going to retrieve their buck when it runs off of that tract paints hunters in a bad light.
Do we know of an instance with them that went bad? Serious question, I don't know them well enough. Maybe I've missed something.

They're not ruining it. Some of you man-karens are creating an issue where one absolutely doesn't exist.
What have they done to ruin your efforts??
It looks very much like you have no actual knowledge of these situations (urban hunts and the opinions of urban/suburban residents) and are relying on personal attacks as a cover.
Why do y'all consider them pet deer? Because they see/smell humans constantly? One place I hunt, with the right wind, deer smell humans daily. I can walk around the field and backyard and see that my presence doesn't bother them. Different story once I cross that imaginary line when I'm headed in to kill one. They know something isn't right and they run away. I'd imagine it's the exact same thing on most of his hunts. Deer aren't completely stupid. They know when something isn't right.
How would a deer that's never been hunted "know something isn't right?" How could they know what they've never experienced?

I live in suburban Nashville and I've had to literally go out in my front yard and kick deer in the keesters to get them to stop eating my roses. They have absolutely no fear of Man because they've never been hunted. I could kill one with a pocket knife.
Sorry, I think their tactics suck.

Weasling their way in to get permission for a one acre tract with no regard on how they are LEGALLY going to retrieve their buck when it runs off of that tract paints hunters in a bad light.

So asking for permission to hunt a property is weaselly? To be be fair I have never hunted in a suburban setting but have ZERO issues with those who do.
It looks very much like you have no actual knowledge of these situations (urban hunts and the opinions of urban/suburban residents) and are relying on personal attacks as a cover.
Where is the damage being done? I bet there's not 5 ladies in 500000 in the cities that have heard of seek one. The ones that have, their husband's probably hunt. There's no big movement against seek one other than here. It's made up, it's in your heads. If they're damaging it, and there's a suburban push against them, show me. Where's the anti-seek one fb page??
For the record. I've seen one of their videos and half of another one. I watched the Nashville buck get killed last year. Not my thing, but I thought it was pretty cool. They're a good group of dudes. There's no doubt in my mind that they try to do everything in their power to follow the letter of the law, minimize their impact, and make a quick ethical kill on their target animal. Something we should all strive to do.

Just because you know them and say they're a good couple of dudes don't mean I have to agree with everything they do.
Where is the damage being done? I bet there's not 5 ladies in 500000 in the cities that have heard of seek one. The ones that have, their husband's probably hunt. There's no big movement against seek one other than here. It's made up, it's in your heads. If they're damaging it, and there's a suburban push against them, show me. Where's the anti-seek one fb page??
Very, very few people in suburbia hunt. And that's one of the problems. They have a very negative opinion of hunting and hunters that has been driven by the media. And Youtubers like Seekone just reinforce that hunters are jerks and glory hounds that want to show off by killing.