The ban of…

It would definitely be harmful for me to lose the ability to have cameras on my place.

First, it helps me monitor traffic on a logging road that runs next to my property and helps prevent trespassers.
Second, I monitor not only the deer but hogs, yotes and other menacing animals on my farm.
Third, I do enjoy knowing the movement and pictures of deer, turkeys and other game.
Trail cams…

What would it really Negatively effect?

Would it really be a bad thing?

Could it benefit YOU and, more importantly the herd?

IMO, it's not comparable to the "crossbow" as it's a tool you use to monitor 24/7 while you're doing other things and probably plan your weekend around your survey. We could go on and on about "what's fair" but I'm not looking for that discussion.

I understand the use for the FEW here who actually do legitimate surveys and this is not geared towards that concept.
are you asking if they should be banned? Why would you even ask such a question? are you against taking pictures of wildlife? Look at what cams have produced and then try and explain why you would want the guberment to ban them; I'd be like I hope you take a header from a tree only because I'd think a blow to the head may repair what's wrong with you.

You may find my words harsh, even I do, but the more I think about the question the more a freedom loving person should get mad at the absurd abuse of power banning cams is.

If I'm way off base, please forgive me.
1.)Banning trail cams here would not negatively impact me or anything I can think of for that matter, from a hunting stand point. We got along just fine without them.
2.)I don't think it would be a bad thing, or that it's needed here. The bad might be the divide it causes between hunters and state game managers.
3.)Banning trail cams would have a positive impact on one place I hunt, my two goof ball hunting buddies spend more time stomping around the property checking cameras and blowing out deer than they do actually hunting and fine tuning their woodsman ship.
Banning them would have a negative impact on the herd at that place, because deer would actually use our property and I would end up killing more😛

I think the only debate with trail cameras here is the internal one with your self ethics, policing ethics is a lost cause.
Once it has a negative effect on the wildlife then I'll be on board with regulations.

I do enjoy the discussions though. Technology is advancing at a crazy rate. Its best to acknowledge that now before it's too far gone. Like wildcats Wild description of the Jetsons hunting with drones, as wild as it is it's not beyond of the realm of being a possibility.
Aerial scouting with drones is real, not sure of the legality here but I would be 100% behind a ban on them during Spring Turkey season.
I just think you could rabbit hole this thing to death.

If a scope with rangefinding capabilities is unethical, is a rangefinder? What about for bow hunting? For that matter should we be limited to open sights?

The ONLY ethical dilemmas I will ever face while hunting are: was it legal and did I make a clean shot.
This is the first I've heard about this. Is this something that's actually been introduced or is this just an hypothetical what if?
Either way this is my opinion... I started deer hunting when I was 7yo I'm now 51. Alot has changed over the years with the way we hunt. The ever evolving world of technology, hunting property is getting harder to come by. I own property just so I can hunt, fish and not be dependent on anyone to be able to enjoy what do. With that said, I don't run cameras, why? I just don't. I like cameras, I like looking at trail cam pics.. I guess I'm just cheap and haven't bought any in a long time. I've been knocking around getting a couple of smart cameras just so I don't have to got check them all the time. I do put out food plots, I manage my property as much as I can. I feed protein and corn and I hunt with a crossbow. We sit back and let a few tell the majority what to do on our own property. If you dont believe in cameras dont put any out. If you think its unethical to hunt over food don't do it. And if your think a crossbow is an unfair advantage get a longbow. I don't care what you do, just don't impose your beliefs on me.
The ONLY ethical dilemmas I will ever face while hunting are: was it legal and did I make a clean shot.
Just because it's legal doesn't make it ethical.
For example, I hunt KY but do not bait. Amongst other things, it just doesn't feel right to me.

Ironically, the older I get the more I appreciate the challenges...when the hunting Gods give me a softball toss and make it easy, I just don't have the full satisfaction or the sense of "earning it".

Make me choose between a KY crop farm running rampant with B&C deer or a remote mountain with the nearest huntable basin 6 miles in.
Im choosing that mountain every time. Ethics aside, IMO, the mountain is far more "fair chase" and provides what I'm looking for.

No, I'm not implying everyone else should feel the way I do either. But that fair chase, ethics, etc have seem to be dimming a lot in the sport hunting world.
I own the farms i hunt on. No way they can tell me i cant strap a camera to a tree i own. No way
Don't kid yourself. Government (Police State) can do anything it wants, including putting cameras on your place sans a court order, reasonable suspicion or probable cause.
are you asking if they should be banned? Why would you even ask such a question? are you against taking pictures of wildlife? Look at what cams have produced and then try and explain why you would want the guberment to ban them; I'd be like I hope you take a header from a tree only because I'd think a blow to the head may repair what's wrong with you.

You may find my words harsh, even I do, but the more I think about the question the more a freedom loving person should get mad at the absurd abuse of power banning cams is.

If I'm way off base, please forgive me.
🤣 @ header from a tree….
No I'm not asking if they should be banned.
Dang man. Bit grouchy?

Wcsd, purely hypothetical.

For your own personal entertainment only, you began a discussion about a controversial topic that would be sure to solicit incendiary responses and disagreements. That is by definition a troll thread. It's not grouchy to point that out.

And I'm not a millennial. I have no idea what wcsd means.
Has anyone factored in the economic impact of banning the cameras? How many companies would have to let employees go if they no longer made the cameras? Add to that the trickle down effect of all things associated with trail cameras that would result in a drop in sales.
For your own personal entertainment only, you began a discussion about a controversial topic that would be sure to solicit incendiary responses and disagreements. That is by definition a troll thread. It's not grouchy to point that out.

And I'm not a millennial. I have no idea what wcsd means.
"wcsd462". Too bad you're not a millennial because then you would surely get where this "troll" comes from. See where I'm going with that?

So I take it you would be at a loss without cameras?
Has anyone factored in the economic impact of banning the cameras? How many companies would have to let employees go if they no longer made the cameras? Add to that the trickle down effect of all things associated with trail cameras that would result in a drop in sales.
By this logic we should legalize meth to create jobs for chemist… economics shouldn't be factored into ethical questions in hunting
So, does anyone think a trail camera does NOT provide an advantage to the hunter?

Im not talking about people who carelessly use them, like me. I'm the worlds worse about putting one out only to check it long after the batteries died and the deer have shed antlers 🤪
"wcsd462". Too bad you're not a millennial because then you would surely get where this "troll" comes from. See where I'm going with that?

So I take it you would be at a loss without cameras?

Entry three towards the bottom sums this thread up pretty spot on accurate.

There used to be a time when humans could communicate in a direct & forward manner without fear of offending one another. If I'm forced to read between the lines then your message is already lost.
Has anyone factored in the economic impact of banning the cameras? How many companies would have to let employees go if they no longer made the cameras? Add to that the trickle down effect of all things associated with trail cameras that would result in a drop in sales.
Probably not, but it would certainly save me some time and money.
So, does anyone think a trail camera does NOT provide an advantage to the hunter?

Of course they are an advantage. That's why they exist. I wouldn't own them if they weren't. I could say the same for my rifle, compound bow, recurve bow, ATV, camouflage, rubber boots, weather channel, etc., etc., etc.

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