The ban of…

narrowing down the buck's habits to a huntable time frame. The camera didn't kill the buck. He still had to hunt, and notice he said the afternoon of the third day, which means the fair chase argument hardly holds water. Furthermore, if he didn't have good woodsmanship and scouting prowess, how did he know where to hang the camera?

"…., and boom, off we go"

Woodsmanship? Hanging a camera over a plot?
So are you arguing that he somehow cheated, that he shouldn't be allowed to use cameras in that way? Or that cameras should be outlawed because hunters use them in that way? In other words, what's the rub?

When I read that post I feel congratulatory for the young man. Banning trail cams never crossed my mind. He outlines how the camera was useful in narrowing down the buck's habits to a huntable time frame. The camera didn't kill the buck. He still had to hunt, and notice he said the afternoon of the third day, which means the fair chase argument hardly holds water. Furthermore, if he didn't have good woodsmanship and scouting prowess, how did he know where to hang the camera? It didn't place itself. By all measures the young man is a good hunter who effectively utilized the tools at his disposal.
Young man is a bit of a stretch at 50. And this is the same Spook Spann who was convicted of poaching and of violating the Lacey act. Yeah, he has served his time in the penalty box, but I'm not a fan of his. I haven't decided if he's gonna be a redemption story and has learned his lesson, or if he's figured out how to hide his indiscretions better. Thankfully that isn't my position to decide for anyone other than myself. Think I'll just stay off the celebrity band wagon and just do my own thing and try to teach my grandchildren by example and though spending time with them.
I would have to go back and calculate the numbers, but I've been tracking which bucks hunters see each year, and it's only a small percentage of what we know are there.
Same here. So much goes into this - first and foremost - camera placement. Just about every deer I see, I know exactly which deer it is instantly. I can just think of a few that I saw that I've never seen before.
Ok gotta say something here. I own 18 trail cameras. They mean as much to me as my guns, so ban them and you'll pry them out of my cold dead hands! They provide first class entertainment almost year around. I'd rather be looking through trail cam pics than watching stupid TV.
You cannot chase a deer down with your quad and shoot him, regulations are put in place.

Im not disagreeing with you or anyone for that matter, just curious if any of you think trail cameras will ever muddy the waters of fair chase, like B&C recent stance.
Nope but you can reach areas you likely wouldn't on foot. Everything we buy is an advantage. In the early years some fella sharpened a stick to make it pierce the game better. That was an advantage. Don't be naive.
Everything we buy is an advantage.
A sharp arrow does no good if I don't do my part and make the shot. A four wheeler does no good going further if I don't drive the right direction. A camera does no good if I don't put batteries in it? It otherwise gives me EXACT time stamps that I'll use to pinpoint an animal and location.
Now you're just being oblivious. Seems to be your nature in several threads. I realize now you didn't actually want a discussion, just to stir the pot. I'll get back to wasting my time in other ways. Have a pleasant evening.
Oblivious? All I've done is share what is happening around us. Thats neither being naive nor oblivious.
"wcsd462". Too bad you're not a millennial because then you would surely get where this "troll" comes from. See where I'm going with that?

So I take it you would be at a loss without cameras?
Lol.. No I'm definitely not a millennial. And I don't even own a camera. But if I decided to run em, I'm dang sure gonna. It had been a long time since I've posted on here, I forgot how that normal goes.
Now I know why your conversations with anti hunters go better than your conversations with actual hunters.
You just put a lot of words in my mouth that I didn't say, a whole lot.

I never once said cameras should be banned in this thread, ever.

Where exactly do you see that? Nobody said you think cameras should be banned. I clearly asked the questions of your motive for posting that link. That's not putting words in your mouth. Quite opposite. It's asking your point of view.

You can see anything you want to see anywhere you want to see it. But if you drop the emotion and read what I wrote again, it should be clear that what you're accusing me of isn't there. These emotionally driven responses are precisely why I called this a troll thread. Once you trigger emotion, you may as well have horse blinders on. There's no way to discuss a topic out to fruition once it reaches that point.
Young man is a bit of a stretch at 50. And this is the same Spook Spann who was convicted of poaching and of violating the Lacey act. Yeah, he has served his time in the penalty box, but I'm not a fan of his. I haven't decided if he's gonna be a redemption story and has learned his lesson, or if he's figured out how to hide his indiscretions better. Thankfully that isn't my position to decide for anyone other than myself. Think I'll just stay off the celebrity band wagon and just do my own thing and try to teach my grandchildren by example and though spending time with them.

I have no idea who he is, celebrity or not. I saw the pic posted and he appeared to be a young guy. Given his own words in the attachment it appears that specific deer wasn't poached, so my opinion doesn't change. I can give the credit for doing something well even if most of the time he doesn't. By your post it appears folks seem to know who he is and are emotionally invested, consider him a bad guy. I am not privy to any of that so for the sake of conversation, replace the personality in that attachment with a stranger you don't recognize, and base an opinion off of that. Perfect example of why lady Justice is blindfolded.
A sharp arrow does no good if I don't do my part and make the shot. A four wheeler does no good going further if I don't drive the right direction. A camera does no good if I don't put batteries in it? It otherwise gives me EXACT time stamps that I'll use to pinpoint an animal and location.
Or point the camera in the right direction the same as the four wheeler. If you're going to argue your point you may want to avoid the logical fallacies...
Another example of stupidity.
I love getting picture whether it's a big bunch, does, fawns, coyotes, my goofy neighbors messin with me, and I especially love the Turkey pictures.
I also get to see what's happening on my property 450 miles away.
Caught this guy:
That's not a knife in his hand. It's a hotdog.
I almost fell off my chair laughing
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Is your buddy related to Jason Voorhees? 🤣:cool:
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Trail cameras get a lot of praise from this guy(no clue if they are cell cams or not)...and I wonder if he actually calls his wife Martylicious ?

*are any of those hashtags at the bottom camera companies? Might be the reason for the high praises

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Isn't this the guy from Tennessee that used to have his own TV show, AND that got caught up in some type of hunting scandal about 4-5 years ago?
You haven't been around here long I guess.
I have not, fill me in please. It seems that openly admitting to hunting deer when the season is over would be dumber than heck considering this is an open forum and could lead to severe legal conseqeuences. Do fill me in on your statement, "
You haven't been around here long I guess.

Thanks Meglo. man.

Young man is a bit of a stretch at 50. And this is the same Spook Spann who was convicted of poaching and of violating the Lacey act. Yeah, he has served his time in the penalty box, but I'm not a fan of his. I haven't decided if he's gonna be a redemption story and has learned his lesson, or if he's figured out how to hide his indiscretions better. Thankfully that isn't my position to decide for anyone other than myself. Think I'll just stay off the celebrity band wagon and just do my own thing and try to teach my grandchildren by example and though spending time with them.
I am NOT a spook spann fan, not one bit. I am not sure he did something many others would have done when "caught" in Kansas. From what I understand, the buck he killed on video in Kansas with a bow, crossed onto adjoining land that Spook had leased from land he owned.

HIs license was for landowner only so when the buck left his land, he violated the law, even though he killed the deer on land he had leased. This may not be true at all but I trust the person who told me and why would Spook put it on a video to be sold and seen by any and everyone if he did not think he was legal in some form or he could beat it in court.

I am not advocating breaking any law just because you don't agree with it, but it he did have the land leased, and it was near the line of land owned, I wonder how many pass on the deer if the same thing happened to them?. I was told only reason anything happened is because his cameraman got upset about something else and turned him in.

I for sure do not know and really don't care because even if he wasn't guilty or if a "nitpicky" law caught him, he still deserved everything he got and more because of his past. I personally know someone who grew up with him, and from what he has told me, if true, Spook is for sure a lifelong poacher and an unethical.\ hunter The guy I know told me he would kill bucks, cut the heads off and throw the rest away. He killed them however, whenever he could and rarely did anything with the meat.
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Trail cams…

What would it really Negatively effect?

Would it really be a bad thing?

Could it benefit YOU and, more importantly the herd?

IMO, it's not comparable to the "crossbow" as it's a tool you use to monitor 24/7 while you're doing other things and probably plan your weekend around your survey. We could go on and on about "what's fair" but I'm not looking for that discussion.

I understand the use for the FEW here who actually do legitimate surveys and this is not geared towards that concept.
I'm still going to hunt regardless but I think the idea banning of trail cameras is stupid. They are a great tool for scouting and a lot of fun. The camera doesn't kill the deer.
Cameras are no different than a farmer that lets you hunt his farm and tells you that a big buck is coming out beside his old barn between 7 and 8 O clock nearly every morning. You know exactly where to go to and try to kill that deer. Is bow hunting a 1 acre piece of land in the city were the deer has only about 5 to 10 acers of land to roam. If your gonna say that cell cameras is cheating need to look at the whole pic of what deer hunting has come too.
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